B-Sub Fix
B-Sub Fix™ is a mercury-free substitute fixative for hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. BSub Fix produces superior cellular morphology and cytological details than NBF without the toxic mercury of B5 Fixative, which is ideal for Bone Marrow and lymph node studies. BSub Fixative is an environmentally attractive solution that provides comparable results to that fixative that includes mercury.

Acetic Zinc Formalin
Acetic Zinc Formalin is an excellent choice as a substitute for mecury containing fixatives like B5. Contains Zinc Chloride, Formaldehyde and Acetic acid producing adavanced fixation.

Frozen Section Fix
Frozen Section Fix is an alcoholic formalin-based fixative formulated for frozen sections providing improved fixation compared to NBF when used on frozen sections.

FixUP is an advanced formalin free fixative for use as a general replacement for 10% NBF in routine and advanced study histology. Comparible in penitration, fixatation and preservation of tissues to NBF with out toxic Formaldehyde or Methanol. Compatible with IHC and FISH studies, ideal for laboartories looking to improve safety for personal and patients

Dry Formalin
Convenient and easy to use, PowderedFormalin™ produces 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin safely and rapidly. Following the instructions for PowderedFormalin™ you can have a 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin solution ready for use in less than 20 minutes. The final solution has an automatic pH of 6.9-7.2 and is osmotically balanced, even when using tap water. If you’re short on storage space, like many labs, using PowderedFormalin™ can allow you to keep 100 gallons in a single drawer. This minimal storage footprint and extended shelf life (5 years) is an absolute must for emergency preparedness. When reconstituted, PowderedFormalin™ performs identically to standard 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin in all respects. It is compatible with all routine stains, special stains, and immunohistochemical procedures as well as all other fixatives and reagents. PowderedFormalin™ can be used on the processor and will not precipitate out when mixed correctly. 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin created from this prod

Transport Medium
SSN's Transport Medium provides a stable medium for transport of fresh unfixed tissues, such as renal, rectal, lymph node, skin and oral mucosa biopsies, which will undergo subsequent frozen sectioning and/or immunofluorescence studies.

GastroFix is a specially designed fixative for gastrointestinal and liver tissues. GastroFix produces nuclear detail in epithelial superior to NBF without the use of toxic additives like that in B5, Bouin's and Hollande's. GastroFix rapidly penetrates and fixes often difficult gastrointestinal tissues, while preventing common issues like over drying and chattering of tissue sections. Produces high quality results on tissues containing large amounts of mucin, inflammatory cells, and cytoplasmic RNA.