Frozen Section
Frozen mounting media
freezing medium designed to support tissue blocks in preparing cryostat sections of frozen specimens. It is formulated to promote rapid freezing and to enhance sectioning of the specimen. Cryostat sections from tissues embedded inFreezeMount™are thinand uniform and are achieved smoothly and evenly with a firm, consistent quality. It dissolves readily withoutresidue following immersion of the section in the fixative of choice or in water.

Transport Medium
SSN's Transport Medium provides a stable medium for transport of fresh unfixed tissues, such as renal, rectal, lymph node, skin and oral mucosa biopsies, which will undergo subsequent frozen sectioning and/or immunofluorescence studies.

Frozen Section Fix
Frozen Section Fix is an alcoholic formalin-based fixative formulated for frozen sections providing improved fixation compared to NBF when used on frozen sections.

Freeze Spray
HonnLab ®Instant freeze spray is suitable for the rapid cooling of objects. It has effective cooling factor which quickly vaporizes when spray. It absorbs the heat of the air and the surface of the object to achieve a rapid cooling effect.