H&E Staining

The Hematoxylin produces specific nuclear staining of the highest precision and clarity. Our Harris Hematoxylin is vivid and produces high clarity results in rapid staining times. Unlike many Harris variations, minimal blue background staining is experienced.

specially formulated to use with regressive hematoxylin staining in cytology. This particular formulation precisely differentiates hematoxylin regressively and produces crisply stained nuclei. Nuclear membranes and heterochromatin are distinct, and parachromatin is cleared correctly. Nucleoli are crisp and retain appropriate eosinophilia. It is particularly useful for regressive hematoxylin staining of gynecologic smears from the uterine cervix.
Bluing Reagent

bluing solution designed for use with all Papanicolaou staining procedures, both progressive and regressive. This bluing solution has a balanced amount of mildly alkaline reagents to produce excellentbluingwhileminimizingthelossofcellsfroma glass slide surface. It is designed to work with all types of hematoxylins.

Variety of Eosin Counterstains for use in the histology laboratory. These eosins are available either alcohol or aqueous based and with or without Phloxine B. The aqueous-based eosins are buffered to an acidic pH. The alcoholic eosins have the appropriate amount of acid for proper counterstaining. Our eosins produce brilliant counterstaining with excellent differentiation of cell cytoplasms and other non-nuclear tissue components.
Mayer's Hematoxylin

Used in progressive H&E staining, this Mayer’s Hematoxylin produces precise nuclear staining showing crisp nuclear membranes and nucleoplasm, exact staining of nucleoli, and just the right amount of staining of cytoplasmic carboxyl and sulfate groups to promote excellent differentiation of eosin as a counterstain.