
The only dedicated urine fixative on the market, U.Fix is an Ethanol based fixed with a strong buffer and chemicals to prevent crystal formation during transport. Urine specimens are unique in that they can have high mineral content which results in crystal formation during transport. These crystals prevent optimal cell retrieval no matter the method used in the lab - cytopsin, Thinprep or QuickPrep. Affecting dilutions and filtration, less crystals = More cells. Urine can vary from pH of 4.5 - 8. Most cells and proteins like to be at a pH around 7.2. U.Fix is strongly buffered to maintain its pH even after the addition of Urine. This further reduces flocculant material that can form in urine during transport. Our high Ethanol concentration allows for transport of urines without the use of cold packs, even in the hot summer months. Cells fixed in U.Fix have been processed for FISH using a variety of probes from various leading probe providers. Cells fixed in U.Fix have also been further processed on ThinPrep(R) machines. For the eagle eyed Cytopathologist or technician, U.Fix preserves RBC without distorting the morphology of RBCs. This allows for diagnostic information including confirmation of microhematuria and various dysmorphic RBC indicative of Kidney disease.
TCT Filter

Urine / FISH, Yellow, 8.5um pore,
CDR0030, CDR0250

C.Drop is formulated to allow cells to spread in a thin layer on appropriately coated glass slides. Cells should be suspended in C.Drop at an optimum density to form a monolayer for the size of cell presentation desired. The drop can be manually moved around to create a larger, thinner layer of cells. Dropper bottle,
Slides , LCT

Coated 18mm Circle, Optimized for C.drop
QuickPrep Coated 18mm circle slides are specifically designed for use with the C.Drop suspension solution. Specially formulated coating creates ideal spreading of cell matrix while securely affixing the specimen the slide and limiting background staining.